Sunday, September 15, 2019

Dental Health for Toddlers

Kids' teeth issue is a very delicate issue for parents. They always keep thinking about the proper health of their little stars. From the beginning, it is very important to take care of their teeth to avoid several serious issues in the future.  Initially, kid’s teeth are very soft and delicate. From the age of 4 to 5 years, the milk teeth replaced with new strong teeth to bite and chew food items. Kids face so many changes while growing up so their habits of food also change from time to time. At this point, the parents need to take extra care of their kids’ teeth. Dental treatment in Dubai has guided the parents from years about using the correct methods of brushing.

Kids are very innocent and unaware of the risk and damages of their teeth. They eat, they bite, they chew whatever attracts them. It's a little difficult task for the parents to keep an eye on them. Dental clinic in Dubai has some child specialist dentists. They suggest very easy processes to maintain a healthy oral system.

Clove Dental is here to share some important tips for the parents to guide them about the caring process of teeth as well as gum.

● The teeth less mouth of the babies need to clean properly with damp clothes to clear away the bacteria.

● Once the babies get their teeth, brush them with a baby toothbrush. Use water and very less of fluoride toothpaste. The portion has to be minimum as the babies have a tendency to swallow the paste. It can be harmful to their stomachs.

● Dental clinic in Dubai suggests that once the babies get the teeth touch, then the parents can begin flossing in between the teeth.

● Around the age of 2, it’s the duty of the parents to make them learn about spitting while brushing. Please avoid giving water to swish and spit because this might raise the risk of swallowing toothpaste.

● Kids aged 3 and above can use only one drop of fluoride toothpaste in a day.

● Always be there with the kids younger than 8 and guide them while brushing. Keep reminding them about the spitting and make them avoid swallowing toothpaste.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Boost your Dental Health with these Methods

Oral health is very important for the whole body. Simultaneously teeth and gum health is also dependent on the food habits of a person. Gum pain, tooth loss can lead to malnutrition, speech problems, and other challenges in a person's work, school, or personal life.

We can prevent these problems with proper dental care in our homes or in a dental clinic in Dubai. The primary remedy to get out of dental problems is to reducing or avoiding containing sugar, this worst for teeth health. The emergency dentist Dubai has an excellent talent in handling and fixing oral issues. They also suggest the easiest way out for the problems. Here are some best practices that can keep our teeth and gums healthy.

1. Brush Regularly with Gentle Care

Most of the people know that brushing twice a day is one of the most important practices for removing plaque and bacteria. Brushing needs a proper technique otherwise it can cause gum problems and tooth alignment can get harm for kids.

● The brushing should in small circular motions by taking care of every tooth at the front, back, and on top of.
● People should stay away from sawing back-and-forth motions.
● People should avoid brushing with hard pressure or using a hard-bristled toothbrush. It can damage the tooth enamel and gums. 
● We should change our brush every 3 months.

2. Use fluoride

Fluoride is an earth soil element called fluorine. Doctors believe that fluoride helps to prevent cavities, and it is a universal ingredient used in toothpaste and mouthwash. Doctors say that a lack of fluoride can lead to decomposed teeth. It also helps to prevent cavities and give healthy teeth. 

3. Floss Once a Day

Flossing is very important for having good teeth. It helps to remove plaque and bacteria from between the gap of the teeth, where a toothbrush is incapable to reach. It also helps to remove the debris and prevent bad breath.

4. Visit a Dentist Regularly

Every 6 months we should visit our dentists to get the proper cleaning by removing plaque and hardened tartar. We all take our of our teeth by regular brushing and flossing. Still, we face some emergency issues like bleeding, pain, swollen gums and etc. There are lots of good emergency dentist Dubai who can help you out from these problems with good care. 

Clove Dental Clinic in Dubai

The clinic has a good reputation in Dubai. The doctors, nurses and other administrative staff are so humble and helpful. They have good experience in solving any kind of general and emergency oral issues.